Consulting Services


Operating a school has so many moving parts, from managing a staff of teachers to navigating parent needs and demands, from adhering to licensing requirements to following the ever changing state and local recommendations. Our educational consulting services are here to help you through it all!

We pride ourselves on being able to tackle any project with an emphasis on creating customized solutions and action plans. All schools have opportunities to build, grow, and elevate to the next level. We know schools and school communities have different cultures, traditions, practices, and needs. We believe that a key aspect of Montessori education is meeting those unique needs of your students and community. There is no one size fits all approach to Montessori and we are here to help you find your path as a school leader in order to best serve your school community.

Whether you are looking to start a new school, update an existing school, revamp policies and procedures, align on mission and values, organize space, inspire teachers, create curriculum, or optimize learning time, we’re on your team! Ultimately, we want to be a part of your school achieving Montessori greatness!

Educational consulting services

Consulting For Schools

We partner with you to assess areas that need to be addressed. We start with a consultation meeting (or a few) to discuss pain points and areas of focus. We often proceed with some observations to collect necessary information and partner with you to identify clear goals. We then develop a proposal for the scope of work and set an action plan together. Our consulting packages are completely customized and can be structured various ways depending on the project.

Professional Development

We offer virtual, hybrid, and in-person on and off-site sessions both off the shelf or customized to meet your specific needs. Our courses provide a unique opportunity to gain insight and knowledge from experts in the field, while being collaborative and informed by adult learning theory to be practical. Our sessions include Intro to Montessori, Montessori Assistant’s Training, Leadership Development, Conflict Management, Team Building, Anti-bias Anti-Racist Education, Peace Education, Restorative Justice Practices, and more!

Teacher Coaching

We help teachers anywhere on their Montessori journey – with no judgment or criticism. We believe that understanding and guidance go a long way in helping teachers find their footing in this demanding yet rewarding career. From providing support to first-time teachers to inspiring seasoned ones to reflect on their practice, we’re here to meet each teacher’s specific needs. Plus, we offer to coach school leaders too – after all, having a united educational environment is key to success!

Upcoming events

Montessori Training Online vs. Hybrid Credential Programs

Montessori Training Online vs. Hybrid Credential Programs

Montessori education, a child-centered approach, is a beacon of independence, hands-on learning, and respect for a child’s natural psychological, physical,…
The Complete Guide to Montessori Teacher Certification: Steps and Requirements of Montessorita

The Complete Guide to Montessori Teacher Certification: Steps and Requirements of Montessorita

Having worked in the education sector for years, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of the Montessori method. Developed by…
Top Reasons to Pursue Montessori Teacher Training This Summer

Top Reasons to Pursue Montessori Teacher Training This Summer

Montessori education is a transformative, child-centered approach that emphasizes hands-on learning and collaborative play. It equips children with not only…


August 2023


We are offering a four-week Preparation of the Montessori Assistant Training Course just in time for the new school year. The course will be delivered through Canvas with synchronous class via zoom once a week, with one in-person workshop. Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance with 24 hours of Professional Development through AMS. Contact us to register.
6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Let's talk Montessori!

We are happy to set up a call, a visit, or a zoom meeting to discuss how we can support you on your journey!